Thursday, July 30, 2009

On the Up and Up

Finally. I was finally able to get an appointment with that highly recommended vet. Next Monday at 1 PM we'll drive out to her house. Since Sparky is pretty mobile, and he still loves to 'go places', I decided to meet her at her house, instead of having her come to our house. I can't wait. I guess the Neoplasene is the most likely treatment. At least, from what I've been reading, it has had the most effect. I finally feel like we're doing something. Even though, I would like to think that the diet has changed him already. He seems much perkier these days. Still a little slow on the back legs, but insists on taking walks over walks ... Also, I found a way to get him to eat the Omega 3, 6, and 9 capsules. I used to just squeeze them into the food and then he refused to eat. Now I take on soup spoon of cottage cheese, squeeze the liquid in, stir and sprinkle the top with fresh bacon bits. NO PROBLEM! Hah. I know, big feat getting one over on my dog ... lol ... but he's gotten to be pretty cranky at times ... I think he realizes he's 15 and feels that he can boss me around all day, which of course, I am a complete enabler to his diva-like behavior ... or would that be divo? :D

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Improving ...

Things continue to get better. Again, he slept all night - no coughing, no panting. When I got home from work, I was greeted by a bouncy ball of fur. Also, the cough stopped when he's lying on his side, which is wonderful, because I know how much he loves to plop sideways and snooze. He hasn't been able to do that for 3 days now because of that nasty cough caused by the tumor that's pressing on his windpipe. I am grateful beyond belief. But I'm also a little worried that the other shoe will drop sometime soon ... I know, it's my paranoia creeping through again. I keep thinking ahead to what will happen, and how I am not sure I can live without his companionship. There's so much love I have for him. Every day revolves around him and coming home and being grounded by him and his love and loyalty. I'm scared. How do you fill a void like that? A good friend keeps reminding me to stay in the moment and not think ahead, but every-so-often I do think about his diagnosis, and I know this is gonna shatter my heart...

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Door is Something A Dog is Always on the Wrong Side Of

Indeed. And mine is a fine example for the truth of the matter. :) I love him.

Today was better than yesterday. I woke up realizing that he hadn't woken me at all throughout the night. And when I looked down next to my bed where he usually lies, he was fast asleep. So I prepared our breakfast:

For him:

  • Egg
  • Chicken
  • Zucchini
  • Rice
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Sprinkles of Bacon on top

For me: Dry Bagel, no butter, no cream cheese.
Now, who do you think wears the pants around here. I just adore him.

I haven't heard from the holistic vet yet, and it's starting to annoy me. I called Friday and Saturday, and I figured I would hear from her today, but nada. So I sent an email describing my anxiety at the moment, and asking her to please, please call me so we can set up an appointment. What is it with everyone taking their sweet time? I don't have time. SPARKY DOESN'T HAVE TIME!!!! Sheesh. I know I need to stay mellow and patient, but c'mon. I feel we're wasting time. Sadly there are only 2 holistic vets around here ... so if I don't hear anything tomorrow, I'll contact the other one.

Right now, the sweetheart is on the floor in front of the TV, sleeping. I think he always picks that spot to make sure that he's always in my line of vision, and to remind me that life's too short to get annoyed with people ... Why else would he park his butt right there? It's an odd place to snooze. Smart pup :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's a Good Day

Last night, Sparky and I we finally got some rest. I think he only woke me 3 times, which is not bad at all. Hardly any panting. And early in the morning, he came up to my bed and stuck in his face into my face, clearly ready for the new day. What a way to start the day!!!!!

All day he's been in great shape. Such a difference from yesterday. He wants to go on walks constantly, he wags his tail, tries digging through our trash can, makes goofy faces at me ... Life is great right now. I feel like all hope has been restored.

I have noticed that since I switched to all-protein, he's been having problems pooping ... I wonder if that's temporary, or if something else is going on? Also, he still seems a little weak on his hind legs, and it seems he's a little unsteady when doing 'business'. Hopefully tomorrow I hear from the holistic vet, I want to get started. I hate wasting time at the moment. I just need to know I am doing something...

But most of all, it's a beautiful day ... I feel I got Sparky back for now, not just a shell, but the whole package, including his little pranks he plays ... Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Even Rougher Day .... BUT:

Things are looking up...

...even though, the entire day was a big emotional challenge for me. Sparky was weak, very weak, and continued panting with only small breaks in between. But, his regular vet called me early in the evening, and put all my concerns to rest.

Yes, the panting and the weakness are reasons to worry, but combined with what we know, Sparky is doing juuuuuuust fine. The panting is not labor-intensive, but the tumor slightly pressing on his windpipe, and the weakness is to be expected. The vet feels that both can be taken care of with Neoplasene, the herbal remedy I was talking about a few posts below this one. She felt there might be a good chance that we can add some time to Sparky's life. Also, his current tumors, at least one of them, has been there for over two years, leading her to believe that whatever tumors are growing, they are of the slow kind, in effect giving us a little more time. I pray that she's right. Sparky has met many obstacles and so far he's always beaten all of them ... Hope we can add another notch to his belt with this one!

PS: I would like to correct the previous post: I am NOT a bad cook, but apparently I have a very picky pet that nowadays refuses to eat microwaved food. Earlier today, I decided to heat the ground beef on the stove top, and voila, NO problem ...

Rough Night

I think he was up all night last night.

I kept waking up to the panting - short, quick panting. I'm worried sick at the moment. He hasn't stopped yet. I don't know what that means. I called the Vet and asked them to get back to me ASAP. He looks okay otherwise. Weaker than yesterday, but about the same than the day before... Usually his weakness comes and goes within a matter of hours. He responds well to me. Doesn't seem lethargic or ailing. He eats too. I first tried the ground beef though, and he didnt like that. He then ate some tuna, some cottage cheese, some ham and some cheese. I believe my cooking skills must suck, because the ground beef was the only thing he didnt like. Oh well, live and learn.

I'm worried sick at the moment. I pray that this is temporary. I know there was a chance that he was also having congestive heart failure, in which case, the end might be nearer than I think, and in which case, NOTHING can be done. At this point I'm praying that it's "just" the tumors ... I can't believe I'm praying that my dog has cancer ... But at least, there's something to do about it.

I am so cried out. I know I need to be strong here, but it's so tough to see him go through this. And it's not fair! I don't care if this sounds childish, but it's not!!! God, I can't stand this anymore... I just want my sweet and goofy pup back...

Friday, July 24, 2009


Things are going great.

I've been extremely busy researching but I think I'm beginning to figure out the process. Today I started Sparky on the Omega 3, 6, and 9. His all-protein diet is going fabulous. Well, actually, I'm still in the middle of switching him over - slowly. Don't want the stomach upset. But the switch should be complete by Sunday night. He's loving the food.

The holistic vet, who was recommended to me by Sparky's regular vet, sent me an email today. She said she can't promise anything, but she's had some fantastic results with Neoplasene. Neoplasene supposedly stimulates the immune system and causes the cancer cells to die. I am ecstatic. Seriously. I feel so good about those news. Of course things could be different for my little guy, but I hope they are not. I'm trying to get an appointment with her ASAP. The cost is not so bad either, and with my friends chipping in it's all manageable.

Also, Sparky looked great today after work. But I have to say, he hasn't been sleeping so well, he pants a lot at night since Wednesday. But nonetheless, he looked wonderful today. I was greeted by a frantically wagging tail ... not just tail, his entire butt was moving. God, it felt like the good old times. Thank you!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day One

Today, I finally got with it. I had researched plenty of websites and have a pretty good idea what needs to be done.

I've switched El Pooch from regular Hill Science Diet with Beneful to an All-Protein diet. Steak and egg whites for dinner. He was one happy little pup. I don't think I've seen him dive in like that in a long time. I believe the all-protein diet will go a long way with him, and poochie will be more than happy with the change. So yeah, all-protein supposedly helps build and maintain muscle. Cancer feeds off carbs. Must stay away from carbs! After work, I did some more shopping and I think I'm ready to go. From now on all his meals will be prepared by me. Of course I'm still learning the new Canine Cuisine.

I am still a little confused about all the supplements and herbs and there's even some stuff out there - K9 Immunity - that's supposed to help. I don't know whether it's a bunch of junk, but I think I'm willing to try. I need more help with this. I think I'll be calling an herbalist tomorrow. My "BF" is a physician, so he'll have to explain a few things as well ... Gosh, it seems there's not enough time to pussy-foot around and take it easy. The other thing, it's expensive, but I had some wonderful friends who donated between 10 to 40 bucks each and now I can "almost" afford the extra care.

Anyway, it seems that with an all-protein diet and some supplements, there might be a slight chance that I get a few extra weeks out of him. Of course, prerequisite is that there's no pain or suffering on his part...

Just a few more weeks ... that would be nice.

Yesterday - Day of Doom!

So Sparkplug hasn't been doing so well lately. Approximately 10 days ago I took him to the beach for the first time in 2 years. He had a blast. As expected, he was wiped out after we returned. Spark has bad Arthritis, so trips like this are seldom. Anyway, I wasn't concerned for a few days, but by day 4 I just couldn't understand why he was still dog-tired. So yesterday it was time for the vet. I knew something was up (mothers always know!), and something had to be done.

The vet had warned me. Two years ago we found a tumor in his lungs after he nearly died from IMHA. The tumor at the time was 2 cm big, and after months of Prednisone for the IMHA, the tumor had actually shrunk. We never got a biopsy, because there wouldn't have been anything for us to do, and I refused to know for sure ... I just didn't want to deal with it...

So yesterday, after getting another round of x-rays done, the vet met me inside the office and showed me the results. There it was, staring me bold in the face. CANCER.


Two big tumors, and an enlarged heart with some possible fluid in the lungs. You don't need to be a doctor to know what that means. The vet gave him 2 months. TWO MONTHS!!!

Meanwhile Sparky was walking and sniffing around the office, oblivious to it all, while I was sobbing in a corner. First thought: WHY???? But I knew. Lots of dogs die of cancer. He's 15 years old. What do I expect? But it's just, he is my baby, he's the sweetest dog on this planet. There is no other, and I don't want another. When he leaves me, the hole left by him will by huge. That's all I could think about that moment. Sounds almost selfish? Probably, but then I look at him, and the way he looks at me, and we're just THE TEAM. I don't think he wants to go anywhere either. He's happy where he's at...

Anyway, I'm rambling. Good news was, he is not in pain. Bad news, 2 months is too short. After we returned home and I did some sufficient sobbing (probably at that point 2 days in a row, cuz I had a bad feeling from the get-go) it struck me ... Who am I to throw up my arms and walk away. Absolutely not. I will kick that cancer's ass. I am not going down without a fight. I refuse to just surrender my sweetheart.

Research over reaseach ... the next 24 hours were hectic, all the while I was preparing for a law school final. I'm not sure how I ever remembered the material ... but I think I passed.

Meet the Spark

Sparky is a Lab-Newfie mix, or so I think. The vet isn't sure either, but who cares, he's cute!
July 21, 2002 I rescued Sparky from an abusive neighbor who had left him locked up for the weekend in his auto shop. With much effort and basically a dash of "breaking and entering", my ex and I removed the pooch from the shop and took him home.
The following Monday we had the owner sign some papers and Sparky was all ours... He's survived several close calls in regards to health, he survived divorce, he's basically the Pooch of Steel.
So here we are, 7 years later ... life's been good.