Today is Christmas Eve. It also represents the 4-month mark of Sparky's passing. Needless to say, it's been tough this holiday season and one of the main reason for me not posting as much as I used to. I almost want to say "Nice going Sparky!" with a little smile on my face. Sparky was good at getting right into your face if he wanted something, especially if it was about him getting more attention. Having an 'anniversary' on Christmas Eve is something that is definitely Sparky-ish. He was a smart boy. I know that this is a difficult time not just for me, but all of us who've lost our pups in recent months/years. Christmas used to be a time when I would go crazy with doggy toys and Christmas decorations. Sparky would always be in awe about the Christmas tree, looking at all the twinkly lights and probably contemplating whether it was worth getting in trouble for pulling down an ornament and running off with it ... This year I decided not to celebrate and I'm fine with it.
The other reason I have been neglecting this blog is because I've been preparing for the February Bar Exam, and most likely, I'll be disappearing again for another 2 months. But before I do, I wanted wish you all a peaceful Christmas, and hopefully a wonderful New Year.
Merry Christmas Sparky.
Mommy misses you.