Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Finley at 4 ...

... 4 days that is!

So here they are, the first pics of little Finley. The pictures are already a couple of weeks old now and you can't see much of their faces, however, I think they are all the cutest little fuzzies I've ever seen. Looks like it will be 2 silver-fawns and one apricot. I havent seen them in person yet, but I'm planning on driving down to LA to meet them next weekend. I'm hoping that little Finley will make himself known and pick me. But then, I tend to like the 'underdogs' so I will probably pick the one that seems the shyest of the bunch (probably because I fear that he might get his feelings hurt if I don't, lol). 

I'm incredibly excited. This is such a new experience for me. I've made a gazillion purchases, from tons of little toys and harnesses, to a strawberry dog house and a big fluffy beanbag dog bed (which is so big, that he'll probably need a step ladder to get on it).  Jeez Louise! 

I'm also going to enroll little Finley in Puppy Socialization Classes once he's got his shots. And then there is Puppy Training on Saturdays for all the bad behavior I'll let slide during the week ... lol. Well, looks like we'll be a busy little household again. December 19th will be here in no time. I'm just incredibly grateful to bring him home right in time for Christmas. Sparky loved Christmas and this little fella will hopefully too.


    Puppies Puppies!!
    and what a gorgeous mama!

    I think puppies are the cuties newborns on the planet.

    Look at those FAT puppy bellies!!!! And puppies smell so special.

    And you're going to have a CHRISTMAS PUPPY!!!

    How very exciting for you. Indie loved Christmas too, and I'm curious to see how miss Scarlett Grey deals with the mixture of chaos, magic, and abundance of new things in the house(decorations).

    did you get the stuffed animal with the fake beating heart to simulate his mother?!! I hear they actually REALLY work.

    did the breeder give you the mother's diet so you have some basis of where to start out the pup's diet?

    did you get a little crate for at night to help with the house training? And for traveling to work?

    did you this - did you that - did you did you!!!!!

    hahah - so exciting!!!
    I'm very happy for you.

  2. They have little stuffed animals with a fake beating heart??? I MUST BUY ONE!
    You don't understand! I have gone completely overboard, but I haven't found something like that yet (though I have a plush animal that you can heat up in the microwave and it simulates the body warmth of the puppy's brothers and sisters!).

  3. There is a puppy...any puppy...every puppy. Sooo cute. So sweet. Yes those pug faces are just unbelievable. I hope that there will be many, many Finley posts and pictures to excuses! (I am chuckling over both you and Ingrid feeling 'guilty'...heehee)

    Like Ingrid, I too am questioning my sanity after living for more than a year with my puppy--you have no idea what you are in for--the best part, of course, being the major puppy-love.

    Congrats on your new arrival my e-friend. xo

  4. hahhahaha -- no kidding Gina!! Man puppies are work! I heard someone say once that puppies and babies are cute for survival purposes; otherwise we'd kill them!
    (and glad you both liked my "guilt" post!)

    I held a little 6week old boxer puppy this weekend. I need to grab the photo and share. It has been so long since I smelled that puppy smell! Why is that so special?!!
