Friday, February 26, 2010

Six months and a Bar Exam later ...

I'm back!

It's been 2 months, and I just finished the bar. Thank goodness. What a long drawn out process and I missed everyone's blogs here. I'm still a little shell-shocked from all the bar exam "excitement" but I wanted to check back in.

I was digging through some old pictures again, looking for some gems. I truly wished I had taken more photos of Sparky, but I guess it would never be enough anyhow. I can't believe it has been 6 months now. Some days it feels like he was just here yesterday... But, I'm excited to be back and can't wait to read everyone's blog updates! :)

More later ...

This always cracked me up. In the 'old days', Sparky  would
be chasing lizards all morning long, circling the wood stack like
a mad dog.