... for the better? Not sure yet. But overall he seems to have perked up a notch. Not that he wasn't perky before -he just couldn't move- but now I see a little spring in his first initial steps. I keep eyeballing him, and I feel that things are better. But I'm just not sure.
The morning started just like the previous 2 mornings; he didn't want to get up like he used to. But today, I was able to bribe him with food. And after he ate, we went outside. He looks a dash more sturdy, but then has his moments of weakness, and occasional stumbles ... Of course I jump into action each time, ready to catch his fall. I would say he has about 3 such episodes per walk. Clearly, he isn't 100% but he seems to be better than yesterday.

He's also inhaling his food again. And his tail keeps wagging, his ears keep perking, and he's definitely back to demanding all my attention. We're back on the Neoplasene, and no nausea is manifesting. Perfect. I don't want to say that the holistic vet was right yet, because I'm just not sure, but it looks like he's recovering from whatever was going on. At this point I'm looking forward to him having acupuncture on a more regular basis.
Really good news to hear. Every little thing is a massive step in the right direction. Glad you are feeling a little more relaxed.