Monday, July 27, 2009

A Door is Something A Dog is Always on the Wrong Side Of

Indeed. And mine is a fine example for the truth of the matter. :) I love him.

Today was better than yesterday. I woke up realizing that he hadn't woken me at all throughout the night. And when I looked down next to my bed where he usually lies, he was fast asleep. So I prepared our breakfast:

For him:

  • Egg
  • Chicken
  • Zucchini
  • Rice
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Sprinkles of Bacon on top

For me: Dry Bagel, no butter, no cream cheese.
Now, who do you think wears the pants around here. I just adore him.

I haven't heard from the holistic vet yet, and it's starting to annoy me. I called Friday and Saturday, and I figured I would hear from her today, but nada. So I sent an email describing my anxiety at the moment, and asking her to please, please call me so we can set up an appointment. What is it with everyone taking their sweet time? I don't have time. SPARKY DOESN'T HAVE TIME!!!! Sheesh. I know I need to stay mellow and patient, but c'mon. I feel we're wasting time. Sadly there are only 2 holistic vets around here ... so if I don't hear anything tomorrow, I'll contact the other one.

Right now, the sweetheart is on the floor in front of the TV, sleeping. I think he always picks that spot to make sure that he's always in my line of vision, and to remind me that life's too short to get annoyed with people ... Why else would he park his butt right there? It's an odd place to snooze. Smart pup :)


  1. Hi you two! I, like, Ingrid, agree that somehow the community of bloggers helps in such a strange way.( That is how she and I met, BTW). I am sure that for me, in my darkest hours after Cowgirl's ordeal, it was my e-friends that got me through. Just knowing that they knew, realy knew, what I was going through made those days tolerable. Go figure. Anyway, I am one of Sparky's cheerleaders..."Go Sparky Go!".

  2. Thank you so much for being Sparky's cheerleader. And yes, you are so right about getting support from outside the family, from people who've been through this. It makes me feel less alone. Thank you.
