Saturday, July 25, 2009

Even Rougher Day .... BUT:

Things are looking up...

...even though, the entire day was a big emotional challenge for me. Sparky was weak, very weak, and continued panting with only small breaks in between. But, his regular vet called me early in the evening, and put all my concerns to rest.

Yes, the panting and the weakness are reasons to worry, but combined with what we know, Sparky is doing juuuuuuust fine. The panting is not labor-intensive, but the tumor slightly pressing on his windpipe, and the weakness is to be expected. The vet feels that both can be taken care of with Neoplasene, the herbal remedy I was talking about a few posts below this one. She felt there might be a good chance that we can add some time to Sparky's life. Also, his current tumors, at least one of them, has been there for over two years, leading her to believe that whatever tumors are growing, they are of the slow kind, in effect giving us a little more time. I pray that she's right. Sparky has met many obstacles and so far he's always beaten all of them ... Hope we can add another notch to his belt with this one!

PS: I would like to correct the previous post: I am NOT a bad cook, but apparently I have a very picky pet that nowadays refuses to eat microwaved food. Earlier today, I decided to heat the ground beef on the stove top, and voila, NO problem ...

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you are both going through this. It is terribly unfair. Sparky sounds like a fine, fine boy and you two are so lucky to be with eachother. Rest assured there are many of us out there who know what you are going through, if that can be any comfort at all to you at this time. Do whatever you can and feel is right. You'll know what that is...Sparky will tell you.
    Dog Bless.
